The top concern at FUNctionabilities is the health and safety of our beloved kids and their families. Just like you, we are taking the current situation regarding COVID-19 very seriously and monitoring it closely.
It’s tough being home all day with your kids and you’ve again been able to see how important therapy is. Providing transformational therapy is important, to us and we plan to remain open for these essential treatment sessions. We will continue care and be supportive to all parents while following the guidance given by local and federal health officials.

We wanted to share our new preventative measures and adjustments:
- Everyone entering our building will be washing their hands. Children will wash their hands before and after therapy.
- Our receptionist will check you in since we have discontinued the self-check-in process for now. We’ll also make things easier for you by charging the credit card we already have on file for your portion responsibility of treatment.
- We are asking parents and family members to wait in their car during treatment.
- Each therapist will accompany the child outside to their parents in the car to discuss how therapy is progressing.
- Because the health of everyone here is so important we’ve installed a REME HALO® UV air purification system. It effectively kills up to 99% of most germs, bacteria, and viruses on surfaces and in the air. Watch the process of its installation and why we knew it is so important!
- We are taking the temperature of all children and staff each day and will ask anyone running a fever or showing other symptoms to return home. We understand how important it is to keep everyone healthy.
- We are sanitizing all door handles, counters, and bathrooms during each transition (when a therapist finishes with one child and begins with another.)
- Our awesome gym already provides plenty of space, but for now we’ll only have up to 10 people (5 children and 5 therapists) at a time. Additionally, there will be at least 6 ft. between individuals and their activities. Don’t worry!
- Every evening we are spraying multi-surface disinfectant and wiping down all surfaces, along with our regular cleaning.
We work hard to keep our entire building clean and organized so kids can enjoy life-changing therapy. This whole situation is new for all of us and we’re doing our best to adjust as needed and will update you on our policies.
Please take the following precautions in your home as well:
✔️ Wash your hands often. Count to 20 or sing the ABC’s with your child to make sure they’re clean!
✔️ Cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue if you cough or sneeze.
✔️ Practice social distancing by keeping at least 6 ft. from others.
✔️ Stay home if you or a family member is feeling sick.
✔️ Disinfect commonly used areas. Things like door handles, counters and tables, and electronic devices get touched a lot!

As always, please help us by calling at least 48 hours in advance if you need to reschedule your child’s appointment. Let our therapists know what they can do to further help you at home. We appreciate you helping us keep our community healthy in a difficult time.
If you have any concerns, please contact us at (801) 443-7775.
We’re here for you and your child! Let’s all stay healthy so we get through this together.
-The FUN Team