(801) 443-7775

Learn What's Really Going On

Get Answers and Start On the Path to a Happy, Confident Child

  • Get a Clear Path
  • Gain Hope
  • Discover How We Guide You

This Is Not How You Pictured Parenting

  • Does your child take FOREVER to get ready for school?
  • Is your BLOOD PRESSURE high because your kids constantly argue and fight?
  • Do you DREAD bedtime because your child hates baths?
  • Does getting your child to follow simple directions DRIVE you crazy?
  • Does your HEART stop when your child jumps off high things?
  • Did your last family outing FLOP because your child had a meltdown?
  • Are you PULLING your hair out because your smart child gets low marks at school?
  • Do well-meaning people tell you not to WORRY she will grow out of it?

Parenting a Struggling Child Is an Uphill Battle

It is easy to get frustrated and stressed when you can’t get your child to do what you ask. You start to dread the routine of school, meals, and bedtime.

It is  normal to fear the fact that your child will go with anyone or no one.

Then you feel guilty for having these thoughts. You wonder if

you did something wrong and become overwhelmed with

the thought “Am I enough?” Here is the truth: it is ok to

feel frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed. It is normal

to worry about your child. You are not alone, and

you are ENOUGH!

We are the tools you need. We can provide

answers, hope, and guidance to having

a happy, confident child.

Imagine Fewer Tears

FUNctionabilities’ Occupational and Speech therapists help your child overcome their struggles.

and More Smiles

We’ll show you that you are enough. All you need is the right team with the right plan.

Get Answers in Three Simple Steps

Our team of licensed professionals has the expertise and compassion needed to discover and address what’s really going on with your child, so you can overcome daily frustrations.

Schedule an Evaluation

Talk to our intake specialists to see if

you are a good fit.

Learn What Is Really Going On

Meet our licensed professionals,

get a detailed report.

Start the FUN Journey 

You can connect with your happy,

confident child. 

The Stakes Are High Because Time With Your Child Flies By

At FUNctionabilities, we believe you deserve to enjoy the limited time you have with your child. We understand your child’s behavior does not define them or you. That is why we do things differently. We get to the bottom of their individual struggles and help them make steady progress toward their milestones, this gets you and them 6x the results of other therapy clinics.

We know that you want to be a great parent! To be that parent you need to understand what is really going on with your child, and we all know that is not easy. 

Imagine Less Worries About Your Child's Future

We know what it is like to worry...

We know what it is like to struggle...
So at FUNctionabilities we solve problems others can't even see...
You can get answers!!!

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Customers served! 0 Customers served!


Customers served! 0 Customers served!


Why Parents Love FUNctionabilities

COVID Response







"We love and appreciate the results we are seeing!!!"

"Kaylyn and August have brought about real and lasting change with our students – either by correcting the core of the problem or by teaching the student coping strategies. These changes have impacted every area of their life, not just school. We love and appreciate the results we are seeing..."



"You are awesome sauce!!!"

"Thank you for giving me my surprise shirt. I like all your toys for practicing. You are awesome sauce. I love you..."


-AGE 5

What Is My Investment?

What is the price tag you would put on peace of mind? How much does it cost to enjoy harmony in your home? What would you pay to improve your child's future?  What is the value of having

more time for yourself?

The FUN Evaluations Options

 The big difference between each one is with more testing upfront, the quicker we can discover underlying issues. Don't worry! No matter what option you choose we can make adjustments as needed throughout treatment.


  • Parent Interview with our licensed professional
  • Clinical Observations to Ensure Individualized Assessment Options
  • Primary Concern Assessed
  • Secondary Concern Assessed
  • Tertiary Concern Assessed
  • Parent Tour of Our Specialized Clinic
  • Detailed Evaluation Report
  • Clear Treatment Path


  • Parent Interview with our licensed professional
  • Clinical Observations to Ensure Individualized Assessment Options
  • Primary Concern Assessed
  • Secondary Concern Assessed
  • Parent Tour of Our Specialized Clinic
  • Detailed Evaluation Report
  • Clear Treatment Path


  • Parent Interview with our licensed professional
  • Clinical Observations to Ensure Individualized Assessment Options
  • Primary Concern Assessed
  • Parent Tour of Our Specialized Clinic
  • Detailed Evaluation Report
  • Clear Treatment Path

Kids Learn to Play and Play to Learn

Stop stressing and start seeing success. We create a path forward for your child to overcome their struggles so you can connect better with your child and have that close knit family of

your dreams.
