(801) 443-7775

Achieve Milestones You Thought Were Out of Reach

Making Life Easier

  • Build Confidence
  • Get Results
  • Unleash Potential

FUNctionabilities Makes Life Easier for Kids Who...

  • Change pencil grip frequently
  • Slump or have poor posture
  • W-sit
  • Can not speak clearly
  • Do not follow directions
  • Can not express themselves

Mission Statement

At FUNctionabilities, we believe our calling is to improve the lives of children who struggle so they can piece their world together with ease. We do this by providing premier therapy, with the most caring experts, in Utah's most unique, versatile facility. We have a saying that has become our driving force: Don't do one-size-fits-all if you can individualize; Don't do outdated and trendy if you can do evidence-based; Don't do it alone if you can involve the team; Don't use an amateur if it should be a licensed professional; Don't substitute FUN for effective if you can do both.

Picture Less Worries

We know it is hard to watch your child struggle with seemingly easy tasks. We know it makes you cry when your child has a hard time making friends, communicating, or even playing. We know you often have to avoid family outings, church, or running errands with your child.

and More Peace

We can help! We solve problems others

can't even see.

Trust the Process 

We create a plan for YOUR kiddo

All Great Things Take Time

A quick fix is just a band-aid

Be the Hero

We coach you to transformational results

Life Does Not Have to Be So Hard

Many parents are very frustrated by the hours they spend dealing with their child's behaviors.  At FUNctionabilities, we created a revolutionary program just for you that fixes the real cause of these behaviors.  This gives you hours back in your day and makes your life easier!

Get an Evaluation

Learn what is really going on  with your child through our detailed report.

Follow the Plan

We have a plan to treat the root cause of your child's behaviors.

Make Life Easier

As the behaviors and real causes are addressed your child becomes more independent.

After traveling the country for 2 years, meeting with clinic owners, therapists, and children; implementing everything we learned, we discovered that just doing therapy was not enough. We learned a few things:

  • Parents do not need just to be heard.
  • Parents do not need just another quick fix.
  • Parents do not need just another sensory gym.
  • Parents do not need just another therapy clinic.
  • What parents need to know is behaviors are a sign something is wrong. 
  • What parents need to know is they are enough and so is their child.
  • What parents need is a PLAN, that if they follow, will make life easier.
  • What parents need is answers for THEIR child.
  • What parents need is HOPE.

Where Does This Start? 

At the Basics

Why the basics? Because when you start with a solid foundation you can build anything. Everything else is like building on sand.

Picture a Better Life

Where you will be able to run that quick errand on the way home.

Where you do not have to wait to do things until the children are asleep.

Where family plans are not interrupted by tantrums/meltdowns.

At FUNctionabilities we can help! 

With us things do get better!!

We Are Different, so We Are Not for Everyone


We do our best work when our entire focus is on your child and your child’s abilities to push them as quickly as possible to amazing results.


Our therapists are highly trained and dedicated to consistently adapting each activity to ensure each child gets the best results possible.


We did the math . . . Increasing the number of visits by only 1-2 more per week, you can get 5-7 times better results.


Our specialized treatment model allows every kiddo to reach their highest potential as they are individually guided by our incredible therapists.

Open Gym

Our exceptional and unique equipment prevents our therapists from wasting valuable time setting up activities and allows collaboration between therapists so your child gets the best every session. Our specialized gym is not only one of a kind, it allows for endless fun and treatment options.


FUN allows us to treat many deficits with one activity and make them more difficult so kiddos advance quicker.

How Long Will It Take?

Our treatment plans are based upon the complexity of your child's condition, the goals you want to achieve, and the clinical observations and standardized testing that we completed on evaluation day(s). The difference between our plans is purely based upon the number of deficits that your child

exhibited during the evaluation.


Mild Deficits

Standardized Testing Scores

~9 months


Moderate Deficits

Standardized Testing Scores

~15 months


Severe Deficits

Standardized Testing Scores

~24 months


Severe with Involved Diagnoses

Standardized Testing Scores

24+ months

You Are Not Alone and Neither Are We

What we do, we do well as a TEAM. Meet the amazing team we have assembled.

Choose FUNctionabilities Because

We Are Obsessed With Getting YOU Results!

Results from industry standard averages according to research - 100%
Current Progress
Current Progress
According to research, industry standard results average 100%
 Results expected if you schedule therapy on a sporadic basis with FUNctionabilities - 202%
Current Progress
Current Progress
at functionabilities, Results with less than the recommended frequency are 320%
 Results expected if you schedule therapy consistently two times per week with FUNctionabilities - 654%
Current Progress
Current Progress