Welcome to FUNctionabilities[1]. We are excited to help your child learn to play and play to learn. Thank you for choosing us to provide therapy services for your child! Our therapists bring professional knowledge and expertise to every session to help your child progress with his/her individualized goals. Our highly-qualified therapists utilize the best, evidence-based methods to ensure your child has fun while gaining or refining skills to improve function in everyday life.
What can I expect at the evaluation?
At FUNctionabilities we promote a safe, healthy, fun environment beginning with removing shoes and wearing clean socks prior to treatment to maintain a clean therapy gym and maximize sensory input during treatment. During the evaluation, the therapist will meet with you to better understand your concerns and then complete clinical observations to better understand the core problems and provide the most advanced, productive therapy possible. A typical evaluation lasts 60 minutes for speech therapy and 90 minutes for occupational therapy; unless you desire a more comprehensive assessment. Your child’s age and ability to attend to these activities play a role in how long it takes to complete our evaluations. While the therapist and your child are completing testing, the care coordinator and/or the therapy liaison will present three options for assessments to you in the lobby based upon the complexity of your child’s condition, the goals you want to achieve, and the clinical observations the therapist completed. The difference between the options is the more testing we do up front the better we can pinpoint all the areas that are affecting your child. However, no matter what you choose we are able to gather information throughout treatment sessions and adjust plans of care accordingly, it just requires more time.
What will this cost me?
The cost of your child’s individualized evaluation is determined by the complexity of your child’s condition and the goals you wish to achieve for your child. Once this has been discussed and the therapist has performed clinical observations, we will present you with 3 options. Your choice here of the Good, Better, or Best evaluation ultimately directs how much the evaluation will cost. This choice will be reviewed with you within a few minutes of the therapist taking your child to the gym. You must make a choice during the evaluation so that the therapist knows how to complete the testing. It is your responsibility to understand what your insurance policy covers and pays before the time of service (see Assignment of Benefits on p.7 of the Intake Form). These days there is typically a portion of therapy services for which you are responsible. We do not like to give you unexpected bills so please be familiar with your health coverage. Typically, parents pay between $600 – 800 per evaluation for the good evaluation. Most families with insurance pay between $30 – 75 per evaluation after meeting their deductibles. Once the payment method is determined and the evaluation has been completed, it’s time to turn up the level of FUN and begin treatments.
We solve problems others can’t even see
An individualized evaluation means a plan of care that is tailored to your child to address your particular concerns. We are going to help you find out what is really going on and save you from the heartache of seeing your child fall behind and the embarrassment of public meltdowns. Most behavior issues and developmental delays are caused by underlying problems and we dig deep to understand what is really causing the issues.
We create connections for you and your child
We know that things at home and school have been difficult and at times this puts you and your child at odds. We believe it is time for you to be the parent and let us take the therapist role. You no longer have to do it alone. Let our team be your team. Our licensed professionals are ready to be the resource and support you need. Our office staff are here to answer questions you have and help with payment options.
We get results that carry over to REAL LIFE
Our approach with each child is research driven. Our owners and therapists stay up to date with proven methods for both occupational and speech therapy. Our environment for therapy sets the stage for real life experiences so the skills they are learning during therapy sessions more easily carry over to real life. We will take a path that achieves results, so your child reaches their highest potential. Making life easier for both you and your child. At each visit we set aside a portion of the time for the therapist to answer any questions and make sure that your concerns are being addressed.
How long will my child need therapy?
Each child varies depending upon the complexity of their condition and the goals you wish to achieve with your child. Most children need 9-15 months of therapy; while other children require multiple years due to significant developmental delays. The therapist will show you our program pathway and how your child’s journey will move along in this pathway when the evaluation is complete. Don’t worry about the payment; we have several convenient payment options to make your child’s care more affordable. When your child has met his/her goals at 80% we will re-evaluate to either: 1) update the plan of care with new goals and continue therapy or 2) prepare for discharge. Discharge is an exciting and special occasion that we love to celebrate with you and your child. It gives the child a sense of accomplishment and allows the team to provide your child with a gift to celebrate his/her hard work and success.
What should I expect after the evaluation?
At the first therapy session after the evaluation is completed, the therapist will pick up your child in the lobby and our staff will bring you the evaluation to review, along with your child’s Hero Exercise Program (HEP) folder. Our treatments will help your child to make changes and increase the success your child has in everyday life. Sometimes the therapist that completed the evaluation will not provide the treatment sessions or it may be necessary for another staff member to fill in. Don’t worry if this happens, ALL the staff at FUNctionabilities are trained and highly qualified. Therapy begins at the front door and continues through clean up and transitioning back to the lobby.
Is there anything else I need to know?
We run on time so please arrive a few minutes early to avoid a $25 appointment late fee. We are required to report the exact time we are with you and your child and are reimbursed accordingly. This means when you are late it affects both your child and our clinic. Let us know at least 48 hours in advance if you need to cancel or change this appointment to avoid a $80 evaluation cancellation fee. Remember cancellations delay the work we do with your child and extend the time it takes to get results. NO SHOWS ARE BAD. Because it is important to provide treatment to every child that needs our services, we charge a $100 fee for no-show to the evaluation. We do NOT like to charge fees so please be on time and schedule appointments you know you can make. We have many children waiting to be seen so it is critical that you remember your appointment and arrive on time. Our priority is to help children progress quickly, making life easier so they can be discharged and live a successful life.
It takes true strength to admit something is amiss and even greater strength to take that first step of getting your child evaluated. We know this can be overwhelming but know we are here to help you and your child have peace of mind that there is a brighter future! We are so excited to get started!
Please fill out our Intake Paperwork at least 48 hours before your child’s appointment.
We also ask that you please fill out the Questionnaire below that applies to your child’s age and the service you have chosen for an evaluation. This helps us better prepare for your visit. You can return this form to us by:
email at intake@makingtherapyfun.com
fax at (801) 447-0107 or
drop it off at our office located at 12453 South 265 West, Suite B, Draper, UT 84020.
Choose the questionnaire below that applies to your child’s age and the service that you decided on:

[1] FUNctionabilities was a DBA of Absolute Kare Therapy, Inc., a Utah corporation but is now a Utah corporation of its own.