Occupational therapy is a health and medical science that specializes in gaining or improving skills necessary for your child to participate in their daily occupations. Typical “occupations” for a child include dressing, eating, learning, playing, and sleeping.
At FUNctionabilites, we are strong proponents of applied kinesiology and sensory integration. Because of this, we have created a sensory-rich environment for your child to increase his or her function in their daily life. Occupational therapy (OT) is an all-natural means of addressing your child’s difficulties with no risk of side effects. Occupational therapists have extensive training in the many areas including a few of the following:
- Anatomy
- Child Development
- Cognition
- Kinesiology
- Motor Learning
- Physiology
- Sensory Systems
- Specialized Equipment
The OTs at FUNctionabilities will help your child effectively identify, regulate, understand, and perform appropriate motor and behavioral responses to sensations enabling them to increase their abilities to function in the home and community. Our occupational therapists have specialized training in the analysis and use of functional activities to create a ‘just right’ challenge so your child experiences success while gaining new skills. Our therapists will assist your child in maximizing his/her independence, preventing further disability, and maintaining better health. When OT is done well, your child gains new skills and has an increased capacity to learn while simply having fun, making the end results come quicker and last longer. At FUNctionabilities we facilitate amazing results because we focus on the root cause of the problems and not merely the symptoms. This approach coupled with other needed forms of pediatric therapy—such as speech therapy—can create lasting effects on your child.
Special Programs for our occupational therapy solutions include:
- Reflex Integration Training
- Ayers Sensory Intergration®
- Zaner Bloser Handwriting Programs
- Handwriting Without Tears® Interventions
- SOS (Sequential-Oral-Sensory) Approach to Feeding
- Oral-Motor Interventions
- Social Skills Training
- Visual Perceptual Treatment Techniques
- Muscle Strengthening
- Home Program Development