Speech-language pathology (often shortened to speech or speech therapy) is a health and communication science that assists children with the production of speech, the understanding of what is being said, and the selection of the correct words that enhances your child’s social and academic skills and behavior. Speech and language are often used interchangeably; however, speech consists of:
- Articulation
- Fluency
- Voice
while language includes:
- Making new words
- Meaning of words
- Proper word combinations for a given situation
- Putting words together

Speech therapy assists your child with effective communication such as helping toddlers use gestures and words to meet their needs, teaching school-age children to build meaningful social relationships, or helping teenagers successfully master difficult daily, social, and academic situations. Speech therapists have detailed training in swallowing disorders, social skills, and cognitive processing. At FUNctionabilities our skilled child speech therapists proficiently craft interventions that treat the core problem and use your child’s strengths to promote an increase in communication and/or social skills for longer lasting results.
Speech therapy accelerates your child’s understanding of what they are being told, the selection of the correct words which enhances your child’s social and academic skills and behaviors. At FUNctionabilites your child will learn the difference between speech and language. Our caring, highly-trained team of pediatric speech therapists will treat the core of your child’s problem and learn your child’s strength to promote:
- Cognitive skills associated with speech
- Communication Skills
- Social Skills
that will last them a lifetime!