Janna Daniels, Marketing Assistant
Janna Daniels is our Care Coordinator. She grew up in small town Asheboro, North Carolina and came out to Utah to meet her birth family in the winter of 2003. Once in Utah, she fell in love with the diversity, environment and spending time with her birth family. In the Fall of 2005, Janna moved here to experience life in the city.
Janna always wanted to be a nurse or midwife growing up and after graduating from high school in the Spring of 2004 with her Certified Nursing Assistant she began attending Randolph Community College to work on her degree. However, after deciding to move to Utah, she began working with children and discovered her love of teaching. Janna began attending Salt Lake Community College and received her Child Development Associate in 2011. Working with children became her passion and she always wanted her career to be something she felt made a difference in the lives of kiddos.
Janna enjoys spending time with her pug Frank Jack Daniels, as well as her friends and family. She enjoys sleeping, board games, camping, movies, shopping, computers, throwing pottery, reading and helping others.
Janna’s true hero is her dad who comes out to visits one to two times a year for about a month to share experiences from Jazz and Bees games to mini-golf and batting cages. He taught her to work hard through his example of sacrificing and putting her needs first. Because of this example, Janna is always willing to help wherever she is needed and tries to make a difference in everyone’s life. As a child, Janna loved watching ‘Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman’ with her mom. Superman became her favorite super hero for many reasons; but mainly because she cherished the time she spent watching the show with her adoptive mom, as well as seeing her adoptive dad as her own superman.
Janna’s favorite children’s book is “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss. She truly believes nothing in this world will be better without people who care and work towards a better future. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” We are very grateful for all that Janna does for our staff, our patients, and FUNctionabilities.

Gaby Lattuf, Therapy Liaison
Gabriela (Gaby) Lattuf is our therapy liaison. She came to the US from Venezuela with her family. She would love to attend college here to study English as a second language.
Since Gaby has had huge life changes, she believes in looking for the positive and finding joy of each new situation to make life a little easier. “Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you are living.”
One of Gaby’s favorite author’s is Juan Salvador Gaviota (Jonathan Livingston Seagull). The phrase that she likes the most is: “The simplest things are often the most real.” Gaby’s personal heroes are the women of her family, she says “they are all wonderful people, fighters and very loving.” Her maternal grandmother is the superhero of her heart. She taught Gaby that respect and humility make you a good person. She showed her how helping others enriches your soul, not your ego.
She has always loved working with children and was excited to join us. We are very grateful for her positive and happy attitude that she brings to our team.

Kasidee Gilmore, Care Coordinator

Brie Baltich, Therapy Aide

McKenna Day, Therapy Aide